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云南昭通黑颈鹤保护志愿者协会简介【中英文对照】  发贴心情 Post By:2010-12-10 21:11:12







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Profile on the Yunnan Province, Zhaotong City’s Volunteers’

Association for the Protection of Black-Necked Cranes


              (Translated by Jason Wang (王则彬), Geoff Huang (黄华翎) and Amy Yao (姚慈怡) of Duke University)


China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) approved the official establishment of the Volunteers’ Association for the Protection of Black-Necked Cranes on the 10-year anniversary date of the discovery of the crane in Yunnan Province’s Zhaotong City on December 4, 1998.


The Association aims to protect the world's rare and endangered species. As a Grade One State Protected species, the Black-Necked Crane is known as the “Giant Panda of the bird world.” It is a main factor in the development and expansion of key goals such as “Protection of wild animals, maintenance of ecological balance” and “Promoting and advocating a Green Culture, building a Green Homeland, living in a Green Era” in order to achieve the ultimate visionary goal of “harmonious development between man and nature.”


In the twelve years since the Association has been founded, various measures have been taken at the winter habitat of the Black-Necked Cranes to sustain the continuing project of, “Protection of the Black-Necked Cranes of northeast Yunnan and their natural ecological environment, and development of public education programs.”


The Association has actively obtained support and assistance from: the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), the Global Greengrants Fund, and the UK’s International Sustainable Development Fund, among other environmental protection agencies.


The Association has gone from Beijing University to universities in Zhejiang Province, Guangxi Province, and Yunnan Province giving dozens of presentations on environmental preservation and raising grants for their “Wonderful World Education Fund,” helping teach people about at risk communities within society.


Association leaders attended China’s Network of Biosphere Reservations’ public environmental education seminars, International Crane Symposiums, Chinese Charity Meetings, etc. and took advantage of the opportunity at these major gatherings to appeal to their supporters across the globe and vigorously propagate their proposals for the protection of the Black-necked Cranes, as well as join the efforts of China’s nongovernmental organizations in initiating the establishment of “United Nation’s Decade of Sustainable Development Education.”


Through 12 years of unrelenting work in promoting and educating on environmental protection movements along with the movement in northeast Yunnan Province to protect the black-necked cranes, black-necked cranes are now considered “Grade One State Protected” in China and are almost considered one of the world’s endangered species, demonstrating their success in finally impressing upon the hearts of the people.


Further, society’s love for birds and desire to protect the black-neck cranes has allowed overall awareness to effectively increase. The number of black-neck cranes flying to the Dashanbao area in Yunnan for winter has grown from 350 in 1992 to over 1200 presently. As a result, the Dashanbao area has become the location of the densest, as well as the largest, population of hibernating black-necked cranes in the entire world. As of January 2003 was approved by the State Council to be promoted to the status of national nature reserve, and in December of 2004 was classified as an internationally important wetlands location and became a member northeast Asia’s “Crane Network”.


Shaoyang district awarded “Chinese black-neck crane natural habitat” greatly increased the “black-neck crane’s and Dashanbao’s” popularity and reputation domestically. The association won the 2001 to 2006 Ford environmental award. Awarded the first “Chinese philanthropical award” in 2006 from Toyota for young environmental protection and was regarded as top a 10 volunteering organization. Additionally, named as the Yuannan excellent province societal organization, a contemporary non-governmental and societal organization. Black-neck crane protection volunteers Sun Dehui, Wang Zhaorong, Qian Ying, Wang Gaoxiang, Mao Lihui, Chen Weibiao etc. have received roughly 20 awards, and have made great contribution for fowl protection and have made broad influence in the Chinese wild animal protection organization.


Contact Information: 657000 Yuannan province, Shaotong city, Shaoyang district Wenchang street Rm #1 Wang Zhaorong

Cell Phone: 13887058533 Wang Zhaorong      18987010096 Mou Yanan

Email: hjhbh@126.com     Website: http://hjhbh.com

